Friday, June 17, 2011

Mom and Goober Day!!

Today was the first official Mom and Goober day. I remember what is its like to be the oldest child and always having to either water down the activities for the little one or skipping them all together. My dad is off this week and since we went through all the paperwork and background checks to get them certified to watch the kids, I left Ribbit with him for the day!
Goob is such a super sweet kid, he is one of those kids who doesn't require anything more than a stern look and he melts. He has a tender heart and loves to talk. I was really excited about spending the day with him. I was going to take him to Waterville but the weather for today was mostly rainy with some afternoon thunderstorms. So, instead we spent the day indoors...good thing poured!!!
We started at Build A Bear. The last time I was there was the first day my parents ever met Adam and they let us both make an archaeology bear.....what an embarrassing first meeting..the heart ceremony and all!! When we pulled up Goober said " are we going to that store" with a huge smile on his face. He immediately gravitated towards a camouflage teddy bear. He thought the stuffing and heart ceremony was silly but he did it anyways. He gave his bear a super long air bath to get him good and clean. He then picked out a Harley leather jacket, jeans, sketcher looking shoes and a Harley bandana for the bear to wear.......hmmm, wonder who influenced that? Then we went to make the birth certificate. I'll give you 3 guesses as to what he named the bear.....CHRIS...I couldn't convince him to give it another name or pick out something that wasn't already taken. So we have a Chris Harley Bear :). As we left, he made me put "Chris" in his teddy bear condo and under the umbrella because he is apparently allergic to water.
He talked and cuddled with that bear the whole way to Party City. We got some more things for his party on Saturday. Then we went to Styx for lunch....its a habachi style restaurant. He leaned over right when we got there and said " i still like McDonalds better". He was super impressed with the chef and everytime he would light something on fire Goober would hold up his napkin over his face and over his bears face. He ended up loving the food but said that McDonalds was quicker and that the corners of their bathrooms were cleaner.....i dont know what McDonalds he has been in lately!!!
We left there and went to Mobile to the Exploreum and Imax Theather. "Chris" bear went with us, which turned into mom holding that dagum bear the whole 3.5 hours we were there. We went straight into the Imax movie on Space--primarily on the Hubble Telescope. Since Goober compares everything to a blue whale he said several times throughout the film that he thought that at least 2 blue whales could fit on the movie screen. I forgot that Goob had stuck a sound bite in the "chris" bear and so right when the lights went out and as everyone was waiting for the movie to begin I hear " Who let the dogs out, woof woof woof woof" coming from beside me....awesome. After the movie we spent lots of time exploring the Black Hole, Hands On, Body Works and Space exhibits. The only reason we left is because we had a break in the weather and I was getting tired....otherwise he could have probably stayed another 3 hours :).
Then we went to Spanish Fort to meet up with Uncle Chris, before he went on a date :). Goober apparently thought she was very pretty and therefore didn't speak at all. I knew something was up because he didnt immediately jump on Uncle Chris or show him the Chris Bear. When we got home my mom asked if we met Chris's date and I said " yeah, she was cute" and Goob said " she wasn't just cute "......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..thats when I knew why he became deathly silent :).
After that we got some ice cream and came home. When I asked him what his favorite part of the day was he said building his bear. I got lots of hugs throughout the day and I think he is looking forward to our next Mom and Goob day.....I knew I am!!!!
Tomorrow is PawPaw and CC's day with and Bre are going to get everything in order for his party on Saturday....boy, these kids are getting spoiled rotten!!!!

8 days until we see our DADDY!!!!!!

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