We talk to Goob about giving non-stop and about what your actions say about your heart. However, this morning when he gave away some of his NEW CHRISTMAS presents I was a little hesitant. His classroom is doing a service project and teaming up with a classroom in Honduras to send them school supplies. Well fortunately Santa gave Goob a lot of "fun" school supplies with disney characters on them ...as well as A LOT of art supplies, paints, brushes, sketchpads. Goober dumped it ALL into a bag, never thinking twice and then said " mom can you go buy some paper to send as well". I ( in a very flesh filled moment) said " dont' you want me to go buy them supplies, instead of giving them your new things?" He said "nope" and went through the mess basket on the counter to dig out some more pencils and pens to throw in his bag.
I was so proud of him on the way to school and so mad at myself for not encouraging him from the get go. I mean that is the kind of things I am telling him to do right? That is the kind of thing that shows me how sweet his heart is right? Oh to have that faith and that kinda heart......he gladly gave :)
Ribbit news- she is missing lots of skin off her face tonight. Decided to try to ride brothers skateboard and instead face planted on it and took off the skin from her nose and almost all of it between her nose and lip...she looks like she has a hitler inspired mustache. She cried and cried but then got SUPER happy when she found out that she would get REAL band aids on her boo boos. Poor thing.
Now I don't mean to brag but this week was Homecoming at our school...another one of the 1294271610 reasons why I love our school....which meant it was time to decorate our walls and doors and compete! I am proud to report that my group WON the door contest!!!!! I had 10 of the sweetest 7th grade girls and boys to work with and they worked hard!!! Also, my house won..GO INTEGRATIS!!!! and to top everything off the boys varsity basketball team beat our biggest opponent tonight at the basketball game...they Goober sat with me through and "let me" scratch his back the entire time:).
Here are some pictures from this week....
Cutest chef ever...check out those band aids..my poor girl.
Our theme for this year was "Movies"....so we did Batman....but tied it into our mascot as well. This was the back of the door.
Here is the front...you can't tell from the picture but the action words are on springs that come out from the door!
Goober at the assembly sporting his Aequitas House colors.
6 of my 10 hard workers....go 7th grade!!
Making mommy some cookies and sausage and yogurt :)
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