Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting things done

Today we all slept until 8:30------THANK YOU PERSON WHO INVENTED BLACK OUT CURTAINS!!!. We bought them for Bre's room yesterday and it not only keeps all the heat out of her room ( hers is the front room and it gets sizzlin) but it also keeps it dark until you turn the light on.....haha, we tricked her into sleeping in!!! Of course, we didn't put her down for a nap today but who cares....we slept in!!!!!!!!

We went on a tour of a potential pre-school for her for next year too. Adam is only taking classes on MWF so we only need part time care. We love love love the Primrose school we looked it. It's structured, they serve healthy meals, they are accredited, they go above and beyond standards and they are less than a mile from my school. We are still looking at some others ones just because it cost so stinkin much but we were super impressed. They fell in love with both of our kids there and really wanted us to enroll Bre :), who wouldn't?

We also went by my classroom so I could fire a load of pottery from clay camp and to check on the progress of some projects. I have a new backsplash, new shelving and recovered chairs....YAY!!

Then we went to the pool for an hour and swam those kids crazy!!!!!  Eli is talking a water camp next week and we are also signing him up to start Tae Kwon Do in August at Adam's school. 

More highlights from our time in Alabama!! All of these are from Eli's first 7th Birthday Party!!

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