Friday, May 27, 2011


First things first- we passed our inspection with flying colors. It was actually pretty comical.
The lady got here 30 minutes late and was already telling us sorry by the time she hit the door. Then she asked us very simple questions, most of which were from the classes we had just renewed so they were fresh on our minds. She also asked about the kids backgrounds, how we got them, the time frame we got them in and some questions about their routine. Then she went back to Goob's room with him and talked with him about his routines and his room. Then we gave her a tour of the home, garage and backyard. We practically had to beg her to look at everything we had done. She was so agreeable and just kept complimenting us. We told her that our last inspection had us real shaken up for two reasons 1) she got onto us for not having the right kind of hand towel in the guest bathroom and 2)she had eyes for Adam. This lady said that the hand towel deal is not part of the 216 page minimum standards book and thought that flirting with Adam was just weird :). So to sum up our last inspection (before we got kids ) took right at 3.5-4 hours total. This one took 35 minutes flat....yup, all that work for 35 minutes. Oh well, better safe than sorry.
Oh, and Goober volunteered all sorts of information-like Ribbit rubbed poop everywhere in her room, and that he found a knife in the floor (really?, when?). Luckily, they both charmed her with their smiles and oddly great moods ( I say oddly great moods because it was 5:30 and they could smell supper but couldn't eat it until she left!

Now for documentation!!
Goober has been singing " I'm in the Lord's Army a whole bunch recently except he says " I may never ride in the calorie, shoot the matillery, fly over emmy's"....we just listen and grin.
Two, if we don't think Goober is listening to us we day " please listen with your ears". So while we were finishing up at Target the other day we asked him to do something and when he didn't do it we repeated ourselves. He looked up at us and said " Sorry, I was listening with my shoulders"...HA!!!
Ribbit is becoming a very picky eater. She used to put anything in her mouth that we put in front of her. I think it's because she now understands that she will be fed so she doesn't have to eat everything. We know that there is some malnutrition in their past and both of them has showed signs of it before. She really doesn't like any protein, except for chicken nuggest and vienna sausage-go figure. She also has been starting to feed into our conversations and her words or phrases make sense. She was really impressed with herself for saying " apple" just right today so she said it about 50 times in a row. She still sings " a b b " but occasionally will sing " a b c ". When reading to her she always points out babies, feet, birdies, cats, dogs and sometimes she will point to a man or women and say mommy or daddy.

This first video is turned funky-sorry. But, its me catching Ribbit climbing up into the dishwasher. Then Goob hits me in the gut with sticky toy.

and then just for kicks, here is a rather short video of what happens when a mom tries to get back at her son and ends up taking out his left eye. Great. Super proud of this.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your posts and watching these beautiful children! Super funny that the inspection lady had the hots for Adam...awkward!!!!!
