Last night all of the Kindergartner's and Pre-First class put on their end of the year performance " Singing our way from A to Z". Goober had been practicing for about 2 months now as he was the letter C. He did sooooo awesome. He normally gets really nervous and forgets words but he remembered his entire part, corrected himself and sang really loud!!!! Luckily Adam was able to film most of it, as I was trying to contain Ribbit-who becomes a wild billy goat whenever we are in a large crowd where you need to be quiet. She loved to clap along with everyone but would also shriek " YEAHHHHHHHHH". Sure, people thought it was cute the first time, even the second time...but by the 10th time I was annoyed so I took her to the back and just let her dance the entire rest of the performance.For the performance Goober had to learn his speaking part " C is for Covenant, God's promises are true, It's also for Commandments, Given to Moses and taught by our Lord". He also learned the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, a German song ( sooo cute) and several other little songs like "The Bible", "God Bless America", " Overcome Evil with Good", " Sing when the Spirit says Sing" and others. Adam and I were soooo impressed!!!!
The cutest thing though was that he was copying the actions of his music teacher. You know how they will hold their hand out flat to signal to the kids when to drop their voice or when to get louder? He was doing that through some of the songs that had lots of different voice was just soooo stinkin cute!!!!! He looked like he was directing the audience!!!
Here are some pictures of the performance and I will post the videos when I get home tonight and get some time.
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