We were hoping to take the kids to Legoland in Grapevine since the temp was over 100 degrees today. However, they were already sold out of tickets. So instead we decided to try out "Going Bonkers" in Lewisville-some man at Chuck E. Cheese told us about it. We really wanted to spend lots of family time together as Adam leaves in a little over a week for Israel.
Here is a personal plug- Goin Bonkers is wonderful...it cost us $9 to get in and we stayed for 3 hours! The employees are helpful and nice, the place is clean and even though there were at least 4 birthday parties going on it was never too crowded. The entire place is netted and padded so we could see Goober darting through tunnels and slides the entire time. They had a toddler area for Ribbit but she spent most of her time in the lower levels of the big kid section. Goober fell in love and the only reason we left was because it was lunchtime and I was feeling sick--when you eat breakfast at 6:45 you get hungry quite early.
We had also been looking for a reason to go to Frisco to Ikea so since we were already over 1/2 way there we headed that way. We ate the oh so inexpensive pizza combos there ($2 for a slice of pizza bigger than your head and a drink) and started looking at stuff for the kids room. Goober, being so into fashion and colors took right to it and explored every space they had there. He tried out every chair, mattress and table as well. He informed us that everything there was better then what we had--little does he know that a lot of what we have came from there :). We came really close to buying a bunk bed on sale for Goober but decided that Adam could probably make the exact one for a lot cheaper and at a better scale for Goob's room. It will be bed on top and desk underneath---Goober just loved that idea!!!! We also got some ideas for storage and a new color scheme for our bedroom. That is honestly what we always do when we go to Ikea, we buy the stuff on sale and leave with 100 more ideas that we do ourselves for less. We did up buying a flower lamp for Ribbit's room-it matches her decor perfectly!!! A race car rug for Goob's room-his carpet is far from perfect and I wanted to disguise it!! Some picture frames, 5 to be exact, but some of them are to frame some of Goob's art work----i have a found a new passion, keeping and displaying his artwork, he is very talented and I just love seeing what he created!!! We also got Ribbit some plastic forks, knives and spoons, another potty chair for her since we will be starting to train on Monday!!,and a stepping stool for the kids bathroom.
Then, just because we are crazy and because we were already over in that part of town we went to the Bass Pro Shop. Goober just loved the store and Ribbit liked seeing the animals. We got Adam some stuff for Israel there and then headed home.
We got home, ate dinner, watched Shrek 3 ( on TV) and the kids went to bed around 8:00. Tomorrow we are doing nothing but going to church!!!!!
Here are some things that I keep meaning to post but always forget!
#1-Goob got superior scores in Math on his report card, he is ranked
in the 90th percentile of his age children and is on a 3rd grade level--he just loves those subtraction problems :)
#2-Goob has decided that he does want to change his middle name when the
adoption is finalized in August, the same as his dad.....what a sweet and bonding tie that will be for them. When he announced it in the car the other day I was so happy!!!
#3-Pray for us as we start potty training on Monday---I am hoping that Ribbit will learn fast and that neither one of us will get stressed out!!!!!!
Also, my brother flew into Honduras this morning for a week long mission trip. I am super proud of him and the way he lets Christ shine through his life. He is a great role model for my kids and I am super proud of him--this was his very first plane trip!!!!
Adam's parents are flying into Honduras tomorrow morning as well for a week
long mission trip with their church- no connection to my brothers trip. I ask that you remember them in your prayers as they will be 30 minutes away from the Nicaraguan border.
I have no pictures or videos to share--been a little too busy wrapping up the school year and running my kids all over TX i guess :). But I did want to post a picture from our first day and a recent picture to show how much the kids have grown in the last 4 months!!!
This picture was taken Feb. 8th, 2011.
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