Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rainy Day

Today (and apparently the rest of the week) was ick.
Ribbit went to Princess Camp from 9-12 and Goob went to Adventure Book camp all day.
Baby Boy and I went to my classroom and cleaned our little hearts out!!!

Some funnies--
When we left McDonalds the other day (fun outing with all the mommas and kids from church) he put his hand on his stomach, looked at me with a gross face and said " what do they cook that food in?...Grease?"....my reply was "why Yes, Yes they do".

Ribbit inherited a ton of dress up clothes and has been putting together some great outfits all day. She decided that this one red hat made her Ms. Tuffet and we have to call her that if the hat is on. I had to apologize to Ms. Tuffet several times today for calling her Ribbit (real name).

Baby boy now shakes his head yes to everything...so you can say ...Are you a wild rhino? and he will shake his head yes. .....You can say...Are you a pretty princess and again the answer is yes. However, if you hold salad up to his face he vigorously shakes his head no :)

Watercolor painting outside (this summer has been 10x less brutal then the last 2 weather wise). My daughter is the only naked one for some odd reason, thats pretty usual though.
Clapping for himself after he made a handprint!!
The boy neighbors all together to watch the airplanes land. We love our neighbors...they are believers and all of our kiddos get along! It was funny how none of the kids wanted the dinner their parents packed, but instead wanted everything that the other families had brought.
I love this picture for 2 reasons...one Baby Boy is walking back with Jadah and Ribbit is hanging out with Dustin....a true blending of all 3 families.  The other reason is that Goober is wearing his bright orange headband that he wore for a week straight and it was a straight throwback to the exercise clothes of the 80s.
A picture I recently painted for the nursery of one of our friends. They are expecting their 3rd son in August.
I found this picture from San Antonio and thought that this is a visual testament to how active our children are. They CANNOT sit down..not one for one minute. Not in a stroller, high chair, their bed, etc. It's amazing that we haven't had more accidents with them.
2 CUTE pictures from San Antonio..as we were leaving the hotel the staff gave each kid a backpack filled with toys and an apple. Doesn't Baby Boy look like he is begging you to touch his apple so he can punch you?....BWA HAH AH A....the cuteness level is almost too much!!!

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