Monday, April 2, 2012

Good and Bad

Friday was just plain was 10 times more worse then what we imagined the visitation to the birth mother would be. I don't feel right broadcasting everything that happened but at one point there was an amber alert out for baby boy, we learned that our privacy concerning Goober and Ribbit was leaked, that the lady who handled the transportation for baby boy was on her first day ever of this job and it ended with me yelling at CPS in my front yard for several different things. Needless to say our adoption agency is going to be pressing charges on our behalf and Adam and I have a busy day on Monday. We are normally quite cooperative with CPS and know that their rules are in place to protect kiddos but they screwed up majorly and have probably doubled our effort now in hopes of keeping baby boy.
With that said we will fight for him because we want him. When we couldn't find him Goober was worried and Ribbit kept saying " where baby broder?". We all covered that little thang with tons of kisses and realized how much we loved him after he was returned to us.

Luckily we had a fun weekend planned that took away a lot of the tension off our kiddos. Saturday we went to a birthday party at our church. There were indoor jungle gyms and a huge bounce house. The kids had so much fun. Then Ribbit and I had a girls day and went to see Disney Princess on Ice in Dallas. We went with one of my girlfriends and her daughter. We took the bus there and it was a blast. Ribbit narrated the whole thing for everyone..."mommyyyyyyy, look at de aldergator, he like de princess, de princess dance, she get hold up, she wear dress, moooommmmyyyy,, eewwww look, de ribbit give her princess some kisses". Yup, all 2 hours she narrated and fortunately people thought it was cute. She wore her cinderella dress there and everyone kept saying how adorable she was. There was only one melt down and that was over her snow cone melting in her seat....she cried and I quickly distracted her with dancing and we were okay. She loved the train and pointed to all the bluebonnets that we passed.

For some reason, Adam and I thought it was a good idea to go out to Chili's after we got home and so at 7:30 (the kids normal bedtime) we sat down at Chili's. About halfway into our meal I realized at how crazy we are. I was feeding baby boy and hadn't touched my food yet. Ribbit, still in her cinderella dress was laying on Adam's lap saying she was "sweepy". Goober was talking to me in a southern accent and acting as if we were all cowboys. Adam was squished between Goober and baby boy's car seat and everyone was looking at us.....hahahahahahah, I will never forget that moment.

Funny things from the Harvell 5:

Ribbit- Every sunday she walks out of her sunday school room and shows us all her "crap". Yup, they make a "crap" every sunday and Goober loves to hear her pronounce craft. We play it up pretty well and Goober dies laughing every time. I am sure I am going to get a phone call soon about why my 2 and 7 year old say crap constantly but honestly its super funny to watch your 2 year old show everyone in church her "jesus crap".

Goober- He was super excited that today was April Fools. We have been doing it back and forth to each other all day. He told Uncle Chris that he signed up for ballet classes...hha hah ha.

Baby Boy-Adam and I both think he looks like a brainiac already! We told him this morning that he looks smart and he just smiled :).


Little man chilling in his summer clothes.
 Goober and Mom on our date to see a musical!
 Little man is getting my caramel babies!
Getting ready to go see the princesses!!!

I mean this is just the cutest little thang...we lost the belt in the end but she loved her princess dress!
 Mommy and Ribbit headed out to Princess on Ice...we needed some good girl time. As Ribbit says " we don't need no stinky boys!"
She and her friend both wanted snow cone princess cups as their souvenir!
We are having lots of fun!!!
Trying to take a sweet picture but as you can see she much more interested in the princesses....guess I don't blame her :)

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