Saturday, April 21, 2012

One of those .... well 6 of those weeks

I think for me today was the straw that broke the camels back.
 I AM getting used to little sleep but my students today were just not on task..including cleaning up after themselves.
I AM getting used to ribbit wanting my attention 24/7 even though I am holding her chunk of a brother, but today she seemed super needy and didn't STOP TALKING for like 6 straight hours.
I AM getting used to Goober getting good behavior stickers BUT today he got moved to RED....he has never done that before. I had a nice chat with his teacher and was very embarrassed by his behavior..he cried the minute he walked into my classroom after school...he knew he was in for it. It kills me to punish him right now because I know exactly why he is acting out and to take away even more time for us just seems cruel. He is now going to be my cleaning assistant tomorrow so that he gets to hang out with me but he can also see how much work it takes to be an adult and hopefully respect them a little more :).
I also had to stay at home and miss a women's event at church tonight because there was no way I was leaving Adam at home with a cranky baby, needy 2 year old and upset 7 year old. It stinks that our closest family is 12 hours away because tonight would have been one of those nights when I would have asked a momma to come over and feed my kids while Adam and I both took naps, with earplugs in, locks on the door and a sound proof wall between our bedroom and the living room :).

So now that I have complained about my very blessed life let me share some pictures that show how we love our life every other day of the week :).

So on Monday night, since Daddy had class til 9 I decided that we needed a big distraction. Cookies with tons of icing and sprinkles sounded like the best idea to me :) Yes she is pouring an obscene amount of icing on that cookie and licking her hand at the same time :)
 Loving on baby broder....there is no denying that Ribbit and Goober are siblings...look at that face!
My two little men! I love that Izzy is making such an awful face :)
                                             Ready to cheer on the Texas Rangers!
 Heading to go watch Big Brother be the Narrator for the Peter Rabbit play.
Mrs. Thing had to have her picture taken too!
         One of my favorite pictures with all of my carmel/mocha/creme kiddos! LOVE THEM!
 Izzy lives in this sling...I have mastered cooking, doing Ribbit's hair and eating with it on. Of course he does end up catching lots of crumbs though.
See that cute little bunny? Thats my Goober....he knew his lines perfectly and was a great little narrator!

Goob with the other narrators!

Funny things to document:

Goober- you never ever put your belt through any of the back therefore its a waste to even wear it )
Ribbit-when we ask who wants to pray at dinner you say " let me talk " and then speed pray before anyone else gets a chance to start.
Izzy-you are starting to mimic mom and smile at us and make the "ooo" shape with your mouth. Daddy thinks you say mama sometimes too....silly guy.

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