Our calendar for the next week is PACKED. It looks like we have lost our minds, but really I am just trying to soak up every last little bit of summer.
For the kiddos I am trying to use up those water park passes, circus tickets, uniform resale events and ice cream competitions.
Personally I am working out twice a day, waking up at 4:15 to run with my girls from 4:45-6 and then heading out to Zumba with my other girls from 9:30-10:30....two a days will be a thing of the past starting next Monday.
We have had such a fantastic summer, we actually SOAKED it up. We weren't productive like last summer where we did a lot of work on the house and I laid a patio while Adam laid flooring....and I painted while Adam demolished a wall and a mantle.
Nope, this summer we did things we wanted to do, we bought season passes to a local little waterpark. We got all three of the kiddos swimming. We celebrated my brothers wedding to his beautiful wife. We hosted and celebrated the heck out of birthdays!! We spent A LOT of time with friends at their homes, in pools, at Rangers games, at picnics and in the gym.
For families whose lives revolve around the school schedule we feel a special connection to summer, we know that the rest of the year is devoted to others, to education, to sports, to projects and to serving. So summer is almost surreal..when a nap every day is just fine, a pile of laundry can live on the sofa for more than 24 hours, where getting snow cones counts as dinner, where going to the splash park definitely counts as a bath :).
Here we are soaking up summer!!
Our community group from church all went out to see a game, we took big man with us and got a sitter for the younger two. |
Mommy/Daddy Date in a suite for another Ranger Game...watching the game in air condition makes watching in sweaty stand a little bit harder :). |
We found a park with a zipline and lots of shade...SCORE! |
Daredevil |
Monkey see, Monkey do |
Hiking through the woods with some friends. |
One might think that having 3 swimmers makes the water park easier for mommy. DEAD WRONG. I feel like a crazy person as I am constantly counting "1, 2, 3" in my head as they swim circles around me, jump in and on me, slide down slides and then through my legs, do handstands and splash one another....."1, 2,3"..."1, 2, 3". |
Super hero art camp was a blast!! Here are the 6 little boys I had. |
Princess Art camp..here are 12 sweet girls, my sweet girl went home early this day with a hot glue gun burn. |
Of course we dressed like cows for free food, you would have to be crazy not too!!
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