Blogging has taken a back seat lately to all of the artsy fartsy events going on this summer. This week I am teaching a Superhero Art Camp for boys at our school in the mornings and a Princess Art Camp in the afternoon. Campers range in age from 3-11 and going into our 4th and final day of camp all I can say is God Bless Elementary Art Teachers. Fortunately the cute faces, eagerness and excitement from my campers covers up the fact that they don't know how to do a lot of things just yet. I wasn't prepared to explain projects several times, or show kids how to braid, or teach them how to hold a high schoolers come with these skills :). It really has been fun and today I have Spiderman visiting my boy and Cinderella visiting my girls....I am sure it will be loud and chaotic!!!!
Besides art camp I have also been asked to lead two large painting parties for nearby churches. Its funny how different adults are from my high schoolers as well. My high schoolers for the most part follow my every rule but they know that if they break that rule they better break it well...meaning if you are going to do something different than what the project ask for you better take it up a notch! With adults though they all break the rules and some of them break them poorly :). I noticed that out of about 30 women at a church following along with me as we painted a cross, that 1/2 of them either didn't hear a step or chose to skip entire steps thus we ended up with A LOT of different paintings...which in the end is just fine, its their creation! I had a lot of fun leading these parties and hope to book more!!
Introducing myself and giving "helpful hints". My 15 year old neighbor, who is very creative, came as my assistant and she said "wow, you didn't seem nervous at all"...HA! |
Set up and ready to go! |
Finishing our background. We ate, painted, listened to a speaker, and then finished our painting! |
I am telling the painters how my WONDERFUL high school teacher would tell us our projects were "FUN"...which was code for...."bleh, you could have done better :)" |
All of the painters with their finished pieces. So many variations! |
And who could ever deny that this is quite possibly the cutest little artist ever? Ribbit enjoyed an Adventure Day Camp with one of our kinder teachers at our school. Everyday was a different theme and Ribbit loved them all! She cried on the last day and told me that her teacher said she was doing the same camp the next week and that Ribbit HAD to come back!
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