Inservice is over, my grades are posted and my room is somewhat clean, (art rooms are never super clean) and we are ready for summer. We already have a play date lined up for tomorrow with some friends from sunday school and I am looking forward to it. We are also going to be starting morning devotions with the kids this summer, introducing different scripture that talks about different character traits in a christian's life and working on one trait a week.
We are also going to be some some bed moving, nursery making, house cleaning, and most of all road tripping!
Funny things:
Goober puts one of those long weeds in his mouth (after seeing Adam do it ) and I watch him take it back out, look at it, try to put it back in, miss and stick it up his nose and then put it right back in his mouth. After I vomited several times (just kidding) he looked up at me and said " mom, a man has to do what a man has to do"....bwa h ah ah a
Lately Goober has been super dooper polite and thanking Adam and I for everything we do or buy for him. I think he is really maturing and I think the fact that now he has to do chores and gets paid dimes for them has made him appreciate money better.
Ribbit is such a child of routine. Last night when I tucked her in she screamed out " mommy, you didn't tell me close eyes and go night night" of course I had to instruct her to close her eyes and then she did. I also told her to pick up her shoes the other day and she said " you not say please".....geesh, I guess parents have to be polite too :).
Adam and I had been searching for a small but significant part of my swimsuit for a couple of days now. He found it in the printer in the guest bedroom. When Ribbit saw that I had it she said " NO THATS LOLLY, you not tell her please can I have it". So apparently she hid it in there for you Lolly :).
Baby boy is 3 months old today and he is just a joy. He loves to coo at us and laugh. He loves to have his feet kissed and blown on. He wakes up and falls asleep smiling. He is frightened very easily and when sister screams he throws his hands up, makes the most scared little face and just starts crying. He is losing hair in some spots and so it looks like he is wearing a toupee :). We are going to try cereal tomorrow...we will see how that goes.
Could he be any sweeter? Its almost impossible for me to see this face and not cry when I think about the fact that he could be taken from us.
Uncle Chris time....he gets his workouts in without every going to a gym.
Big Man listening to the outdoor concert.
One of my favorite pictures ever, they are two peas in a pod.
We love waking Uncle Chris up and demanding horsey rides :)