Not only is being a parent hard but being an adult is hard. I love the t-shirt that says "Jesus, because Adulting is hard"!!!!
I think I left my phone out in Ceramics class :). Love this sweet girl and I have for 6 years! |
Another of my FAVORITE KIDDOS....shhhh, teachers don't have favorites! |
SOO happy to be riding a pony on Western Day! |
Unfortunately Goober's behavior got worse before it got better. It drove Adam and I to insanity and we both had splitting headaches and stomach aches most of the week. We finally sat him down and said "if you want your life to be like this, fine. We will pray for you..we will discipline you but we won't get worked up over anything else. You will not pass 6th grade, you will not be allowed to play any sports or do anything extra cirrculur until you fix this. You will not be allowed to determien the attitude of this family. Its sad to us because this is your only childhood, your one shot and you are shooting yourself in the foot". We said that calmly and it has been calm since.
This hunk took me on an awesome date to see the Monet exhibit in Fort Worth followed by dinner at the Cheesecake Factory! |
THIS MEAL WAS SOO GOOD. Cabbage, topped with Ahi Tuna steak and a runny egg that oozed out on top as sauce!! |
I got a lunchbox lovenote from my girl. She loves it when I put those in her lunchbox. Check out my BIG boot on my ankle :). |
I swear the last two sermons have been for us, and I hope that Goober has heard them loud and clear. He has talked through them with us and I think he wants to do right, he wants to be obedient but in the moment he only cares about himself and what other peers think. I spent a long time on the phone with our adoption coordinator whom we have not spoken to since Little Man was officially almost 4 years ago. In her mind Goober was only 8 and when I said "Mala, he is 12!!" she said back " you aren't old enough to have a 12 year old....wait, you weren't old enough to adopt a 6 year old". We had a good laugh and she says that often refer to us as "that young sweet couple who wanted lots of kiddos"...hehe. She said it sounded like Goober is acting out to get attention, that he is officially out of his honeymoon phase with us and then she reminded us that most pre-teen and teenage boys lose their mind at some point. She wants us to take him back to counseling, which I will do...but its hard when two other counselors have dismissed us....not seeing a real need for it. His FAVORITE teacher who sees him 2/3 times a day for Math and Bible and Homeroom said it best "Goober is not stupid, he is not a bad kid, he has just decided that grades and obedience are not important right now". She sees him struggle daily too. However, his grades and behavior have now snowballed and he is constantly lying and cheating to catch back up. Its devastasting to see his potential and watch him not live up to it.....but just like every character in the bible, Goober will get past this and I know he will grow up to do great things for the kingdom...great things for others...his heart is too big not to!!!!!
He was so excited for his Mommy Monday breakfast....He ate the snot out of his donut!!! |
We had a great time during the family scavenger hunt at our Moms In Prayer dinner!! |
Photo Booth Fun!! |
Today, Adam took Ribbit to a Daddy Daughter Rocket Launch and they both loved it. They shot off two rockets and had fun building it together yesterday. Meanwhile I took the boys to Lifetime (our new family gym) and we swam and played basketball. THEY LOVE IT. I love that we are all spending time "working out" and having fun. I love that we have lots of friends who are members there and that they played with kiddos from church and school on the court and in the pool. I am so glad we joined!!
Today in church Ribbit wanted me to hold her during worship. She loves to sing the song loudly, while we are touching noses and as always I got to smell her "petting zoo breath". I have always lovingly referred to her breath that way since she loves to sing in my face and almost share a breath with me...its comical how much she copies me in church. If I am singing loud so is she, if I have my hands raised so does she...if I am taking notes, so is she...THE EXACT SAME NOTES ...hahaha.
Check out what the boys and I are building...a lifesize R2D2!!! |
Daddy daughter rocket launch!!! |
We went to the rodeo yesterday and as ususal we headed over to pet all the cows, horses, goats and bunnies. When we were in a nice, quiet cattle pen Little Man yelled "WOW MOMMY, LOOK AT THAT FAT COWS BIG WEINER!!". Everyone around us snickered. Then when I took him potty later on he was taking forever and had locked the stall so I couldn't go in. I said " are you ok?" and he yelled "yes, I am pooping and my butt burns!!!" filter at all! The kiddos loved watching the bucking bulls and horses, the barrel racing, the calf roping and the wagon racing but I think their favorite was the rodeo clowns and singing along to "deep in the heart of Texas" everytime it played!
Riding in the wagon at the rodeo! |
Her dream came true when they let her pet the baby cow!!! |
He cuddled with his bear for the entire rodeo!! |
They were both blessed to get several Build a Bears and outfits for them from one of the families at CCA. Daddy and bubba went to a basektball game instead of the rodeo! |
This week is busy with art competitions, basektball games, the 100th day of school and a pile of laundry that is taking over our chair and ottoman....probably 5 loads worth....hehe, we have let it go a bit!!!
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