Our time is Alabama has flown by so far.
-We attended Adam's 15th High school reunion. I knew 1/2 of the people who came though as he is pretty good about meeting up with his buds when we come to town and I have been able to get to know 2 of the other wives pretty well. It was funny to look through yearbooks and hear them talk about their time in high school. I was impressed at how quickly Adam resumed his role as class clown and friend to all....making his way to talk to each person and asking about their lives. We stayed in a hotel downtown that night and I was excited to have access to a treadmill since the next morning called for rain....but WHAT AN AWFUL RUN....I couldn't find a dang thing on the TV besides the news and after 8 miles my knees and brain said QUIT. I can now proudly tell you everything that Trump thinks about Putin and Israel...how to correctly return holiday gifts and how Al Roker likes his coffee...meh.
18 miles with these ladies...marathon training is hard but Carrie and I have super supportive friends! |
At the DFW national cemetery....saluting the flag. |
Laying wreaths on the soldiers tombs. |
Meanwhile, Goober won his basketball game and even made an awesome lay up as he was being fouled! |
-We spent Christmas Eve at Nannie and Papas house and as usual it was a lot of fun. The weather was on strike this year and it was very warm....which was great for the kids. They played in the haybales, picked up pecans (aka ammo), played pieface on the porch and thoroughly enjoyed being cousins. We all laughed as usual, ate good food and caught up. Ribbit was sooo excited to play Dirty Santa as she remembered getting her coveted blanket in that game last year. Sadly, her cousin stole her blanket this year :) but she quickly recovered when she realized she got a barbie doll whose hair you can dye!!
Baby boy was awestruck over the Sea Monkeys he got and can't wait to make them come alive and feed them!! Goober immediately opened his magic trick set and started showing off his card skills. We were also introduced to the game LipLess and had a great time laughing at one another.
-We came home and the grown ups watched Elf (well those of us who could stay awake :) and waited for Santa to come!
We bought a new minivan last Saturday as we didn't feel safe driving our old one to Alabama anymore. |
Caroling with our Sunday school class....on the one COLD day in Texas :) |
It was Collins birthday so we stopped and sang carols and the birthday song to her! |
Love our church family! |
-He came and brought the kids new bikes...JUST LIKE they had asked for. After a few spills and getting used to the new kickstands I think we declared the new presents a success. We had fun watching each other open gifts and hear how excited the kids got. Then we headed to the stockings which had the BEST GIFT OF THE DAY....FLARP!! The boys got this goo that when you press it, makes FART SOUNDS. Add on the fact that they were dressed like Superman and Mario and it was hysterical. Of course, the dollar store toy gets the most attention.
Advent....this picture was taken .5 seconds before Little Man's hair caught on fire...he is now sporting a much shorter hair do :). |
We made Santa paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies..that are the bomb!!....a tootsie pop, peppermint Christmas tree and a card! |
-We made it to the 10:30 church service which was a sweet time of carols, hymns, scripture and prayer. The kids did well.....I of course started sneezing my brains out and had watery eyes the whole time. I quickly came home and made a pill with lemon, lavender, peppermint and oregano oil and within 20-30 minutes was dried up..thank the Lord.
-After church we headed to a shelter where local homeless families and children can stay. They had 23 kids there on Christmas Day and some of their parents. My kiddos made them dirt cups with chocolate pudding, graham crackers and gummy worms. They gladly assembled them and handed them out and then started playing with them. It was hard to tell if the kids there appreciated it or if my kids understood the important of helping others or showing God's love in little ways but you never know what seed was planted.
Santa is always so kind to swing by our home in Texas a few days early. Ribbit got her LARGE horse, the boys got their Easy roller and Star Wars gear! |
They all love dressing up so they also got funny costumes...this was the scene in our kitchen about 10 minutes after opening gifts....hehe, morph suit, large mustache and easy roller...everything a 12 year old boy needs! |
Watch out for our fighter pilot! |
We spent most of the afternoon at Nanas and again had a great time. Ribbit took her glitter tattoo set and gave tattoos to everyone. Nana had set out a table full of gifts for the kids and they could choose what they wanted....my kids went to town...but as sweet as they are they grabbed presents and then asked for wrapping paper and started wrapping them for others. Ribbit gave Adam and I a huge box full of things she thought we may like. We ate great food, caught up on life and just like Christmas Eve the two littles fell asleep in the car after a looonnng fun day. We came home and sat around the table playing with another gift they all got...Story Cubes..it was neat listening to them come up with their own creative part of the story.
Before we left for Alabama, Goober went to an awesome birthday party at ifly! |
Sweet 6th graders and a our friends the Williamsons from church. |
Goober did a great job flying and got to spin and go higher in the tunnel. |
Next up, a scavenger hunt through Southlake Town Square...he has a great group of friends! |
Merry Christmas...He has come!
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