The past two weeks have been a whirl wind and didn't feel like summer at all ...yet they were great times of learning and growing and FUN.
We loved the
Submerged theme at our church and the kids had so much fun learning how to dive in deep with God and let him test their hearts and thoughts. Each day they wanted to go back and every day that got more comfortable with the much so that on the last day Baby Boy ran up on to the big stage..without being invited and led worship in front of at least 1000 people. It was precious. Now, everytime we get in the car they BEG to listen to the VBS cd and we all do the motions..which tickles Adam as he watches us make up new motions since we can't remember them. Every day after VBS we had somewhere to be or someone to meet which made for a very loonnngg week and with everyone sleeping HARD!!!
This past week was ART CAMP. Last summer my kids asked me to teach a Princess themed art camp and a Superhero themed art camp..and I did and it was successful. This year it was beyond successful and between the two classes I had 31 campers and 11 helpers!!! I had 11 sets of siblings including my own kids and most of that was brothers who liked to be superheros who punch and roll around on the floor :). I am so thankful for sweet 8th and 10th grade girls who wanted to come help me!!! They made it fun and were so eager to help all of the little ones glue, cut and draw. I also had a good friend who is working on her teaching degree come observe me and she jumped right in to help as well! It was beyond exhausting and I went through my breathe throat drops and peppermint oil every day when we got home.
Which brings me to the next big part of our lives. Our new reliance on essential oils. (I am not allowed to write about the brand since that is not being compliant with the FDA rules but we all know I use d-----a
:). I love that these are pure and that and that my company provides jobs to severeal impoverished areas and believes in putting money into people instead of marketingI use them because I am soooo tied to the fact that God gave us everything we need to survive and heal ourselves in the natural food he gave us and in the plants and minerals he provided on the earth. That belief drives my whole way of thinking.....its why we believe and have faith in God and God alone. Its why we believe in educating our kids through a biblical worldview. Its why we are predominantly paleo (i can't tell my kids not to eat cake at a birthday party and Chick Fil A/Subway occasionally happens on our road trips to AL) and eat lots of veggies, fruits, meat, nuts and seeds. Its TOTALLY WHY WE USE OILS NOW. Its a lifestyle of trusting in God instead of the man made things that are now harming us.
I have been to 4 or 5 classes now in oils, have been reading all about them and listening to webinars when I run. I am convinced that we can use oils in place of modern medicines. Modern medicines have not been around that long....oils have been around a lot longer and besides skin sensitivity for some people there are no other side effects. Not the case with the meds I had been pumping into my body for soooo long without knowing was was really in them.
A few ways that we have been using our oils are...
Baby Boy fell face first off the bar stool and into the tile...busting his gyms...and we used OnGuard to rub into his gums to ease the pain and strengthen the roots.
Big Man LOVES THE OILS and has recently been talking about wanting to become a natural doctor to help people heal!! He uses oregano on his wort on his finger and its starting to shrink. He also uses melaleuca on his acne. Recently he had a blister and we rubbed frankincense on it and he never complained of it again. He also uses deep blue on his legs after an intense workout.
Big Girl is becoming my mini me and I LOVE IT. She loves to do Yoga with me after an intense run to loosen up. She LOVES watching cooking shows and helping me cook! She loves all things ART!!! She also loves to use lavender on her forehead to help her fall asleep. She uses a combo of lemon/lemongrass and lavender as bug spray and reminds the boys EVERY day to use it as well. She loves to rub our "Cheer" oil into her hands when she is feeling down. (I totally believe in the power of scents as mothballs (weird eh) reminds me of all of the sweet times I had at my grandparents home in Pensacola, FL...digging through their closets, trying on my grandmas shoes and jewelry and learning how to play the piano. I also am very into the smell of patchouli as it takes me back to the days of when Adam and I were dating, if I am in a bad mood, patchouli makes everything all right :))
I use oils DAILY. I use frankencinse on my face and body every day, mixed with coconut oil as my make up remover and as a moisturizer. I use oregano on my skin tags to get them to fall off (maybe thats too much info :)). I use wild orange and cumin and lemon to cook with. I diffuse cardamom and peppermint when we are congested or when I have a headache. I rub peppermint on the bottom of my skull to relieve all headaches, no meds necessary. I diffuse OnGuard in my classroom to ward off airborn germies and I put it on my own kids feet every morning. I use the OnGuard to brush my teeth and to clean my countertops...hey hey, TWO FOR ONE. YES, I clean my house with the same thing that I use to brush my teeth. ITS THAT SAFE AND NATURAL.
I love how we aren't pumping meds in and how we have become dependant on these oils and created a lifestyle where we are prepared...we have oils for everything. NOW, I need to say that these oils can not replace surgeries or other times when we will need to seek out medical advice...but I do think that creating a healthy lifestyle and treating minor things with oils is allowing us to be more dependant on the Lord and not so fearful of "when the next virus or bug hits"...because now we are prepared.
My computer decided to let me have these pictures from our cruise...FINALLY!
Yummy plaintain salad with avocado, cantalope and strawberry smoothie! |
Everyone headed to the beach. |
Buttcracks everywhere! |
Mommas just chilling....I love these girls! |
The sweetest friends. |
My mini me. |
My running buddy! |
A sandcastle we found and spruced up! |
Getting ready to board the ship! |
All 3 of my guys snorkeling! |
We found a mermaid in a shell. |
Climbing on sculptures around the boat. |
In our pjs riding up and down the glass elevators. |
PO!!! |
Scaling the wall in record time then descending like a pro! |
Waiting for the bellyflop competition! |
Loving life! |
Lots of deep thinking going on I am sure! |
Waiting for our turn to ice skate. |
Our own litltle piece of paradise! |
Eating breakfast while docked at Cozumel |
Chankanaab...fantastic family spot! |
Looking at the crocodiles! |
Goofin around. |
We loved the balloon artist! |
We wanted to be as close to water as possible! |
Holding parrots! |
A little shopping at islaCozumel! |
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