I have been playing with a thought for a week or so now. Its a thought that a lot of moms with littles probably have had ......loaded with guilt or loaded with potential or maybe both.
We have been studying Paul and his time spent on house arrest in Philippi. He not only wrote a letter while there but he had several visitors who he witnessed to every day...and most of them came to know Christ. He also spent this whole time in chains....not connected to a wall but to a soldier...and not just a soldier...a Praetorium soldier...who later would have say in who became the next Roman ruler.
So two things that I drew from our studies.
1-Some days I feel like I am in chains....never seperated from a child by more than 18 inches...like Paul. Chained to a soldier who noticed his every move, saw his every action (including the bathroom) and probably had a million questions....only 18 inches away. Those invisible chains bring a ton of sweetness and love to my life but they are called chains for a reason....they are there constantly and sometimes I need or want a break. Paul used those chains though as a way to minister...he had that soldiers attention and he used it to bring him and his whole family to Christ. He witnessed to him, he let his every action, every breath, every word bring glory to God. It reminded me that I have a captive audience, and I only have them for 18 years. Those chains should be a reminder that they are listening to me, watching me, taking mental notes and I should always be pointing them to Christ. Those chains are heartstrings to my greatest treasures on earth....not cords that burden and weigh on me. I should cherish my time chained to children.
2-Find the joy. Paul didn't write on and on about how awful it was to be on house arrest..in fact just the opposite. He wrote encouraging, uplifiting letters to the new Christians that he so desperately longed to reunite with. Sure, he offered constructive criticism, warnings and loving discilpine as well but he didn't focus on his own well being and ask for their pity or even their aid in getting out of his current situation. Finding joy in this life is all about looking to God and being kingdom minded. As I watch the news (only in the summer do I have time for the news) I find it hard to have joy..its so much easier to scream "Jesus, come today...RIGHT NOW...get me out of this crazy world!!!!". But God has a purpose for us while we are here on earth and since this earth is fallen we have to find joy in Him.
My 3 blessings showing off their paleo protein bites with wild orange oils and dark chocolate...YUMMY!!!!! |
I took this picture to show my kiddos how awesome my spa day was..if your hair looks like this after a facial and scalp massage you know it was FANTASTIC! |
Zoo day at the library..I was amazed at the animals they brought for the kids to interact with. |
Fishing! |
The girls had a successful day fishing..the boys had a successful day catching turtles! |
Momma kept casting out the lines for the kids and before I could hand it off I had caught something..that happened several times! |
They loved taking the fish off and throwing it back in ...they aren't afraid of anything! |
Catching them turtles |
We even caught them in the net! |
Paprika skillet chicken with kale stems, spinach and mushrooms and onions..We topped this with avocado ! |
We loved having the Hamiltons over for lunch after VBS one day! |
IronMan is now at a chicken farm....he got to aggressive and in Baby Boys words "every morning he would cockle doodle do and he needed a girlfriend" |
Toothless buds at VBS |
This was taken 2 seconds after she found out that hew new cousin is going to be a DREADED BOY!!!!!! She was heartbroken...We all had to hide our laugter...it was so terribly dramatic and hysterical all at the same time. She is coming around though and has even started to pray for him :). |
Getting "submerged" in God's word at VBS |
He loved the older kids version of VBS called "Wild Week. This was Wild Hair day! |
They begged me to take their picture on stage the last day...they loved every minute of VBS and I loved watching them sing and dance and worship Jesus! |
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