Summer has been so fun....and so exhausting. I don't know how I work the other 10 months out of the year and only sleep 7/8 hours....I feel like just my 3 kids and their summer activites are leaving me drained and I find myself with watery eyes most nights....which means I am SUPER TIRED!!!!
We have been going to the library a lot this summer and with all 3 kids in the reading program we MEAN BUSINESS. They are so well behaved there. We all get our books and migrate to the big window seats. We snuggle up and either individually read or I will read out loud. We strated reading The little house on the prairie series and THEY LOVE THEM. I remember these from when I was little and I am love going through a series every summer!!
We are also still in the thick of camps. Goober just finished up his ice skating camp and he actually got camper of the day on Thursday ...he was stoked...out of over 100 kids he was chosen!!! We had lots of friends who were also taking the camp so we all carpooled which meant we had lots of interaction with our friends from school that we miss during the summer. Baby Boy has camp this next week....Jedi Lego Camp...pray for them, I am not sure that he will be focused enough to build legos for 2 hours a day but they can try!!! He picked it!!! Ribbit chose Science CAMP!!! We let them all look through all the camps in our area and school and out of it all she chose SCIENCE camp..not dance or cheerleader camp...nope Science. I love that she loves doing experiements and understanding how things work.
We also had Goobers birthday party this past Saturday. For the 3rd year in a row he wanted a tournament of games in our schools gym. ITS JUST SO EASY. We rent the gym, he invited his whole baseball team and all the boys in his grade from school. 22 BOYS showed up! We divided them into 4 teams with matching sweatbands and facepaint and they did tournament style kickball, knock out, dodgeball and some other games I had never heard of. Adam had music pumping and they would break out in dance moves. We even had some boys who didn't like the games so they did the commentary (which was hysterical) or were the refs. I set up a table of food and drinks and THEY CONSUMED IT in between games. Those boys were so incredibly sweet to Baby Boy..he KICKED A HOMERUN and they were high fiving him and they would run to tag him but fake drop the ball or miss was insanely cute. Ribbit spent the whole party in the bathroom doing "art" on her whole body with the face paint..and that was just fine..:). Older kids birthdays are easy..especially when they want to organize it themselves and basically just need you to pay for it....several of them said it was the best birthday party because they had the gym to themselves and there weren't any girls...HA!
Can I just say that I don't like that we have an official Pre Teen.....and I don't like that he broke out in some dance moves yesterday?..I also don't like that he is treating his face for acne and that he smells like a walking armpit. I don't like that he asked if he could cut his hair into flat top this morning or if he could spend $130 on a pair of shoes that he will probably wear twice. It all means that he is making more choices on his own, growing up, looking to others for inspriation....WWWWWAAAAHHHHH, stay little dude.
Can I also admit that I love seeing who he has chosen for friends...I mean I was almost in tears at how sweet and respectful they were yesterday at the party. I love seeing how he he listened to his dad (who was the ultimate referree) and none of his friends got snotty or rude when Adam called them out. I love that he opened every card, read it out loud, gathered all his money and immediately put some of it in his bible to tithe this morning at church (without being told to). I love that he notices my reactions and says "mom, its not like you were going to die"...or "mom, your laugh sounds weird"...or "mom, this is best food ever"...he notices me and I love that about him.
Posing for part of their Superhero art camp picture. |
Demonstrating on the floor so everyone can see :). |
1st day Art projects..Princess and the Pea oil pastel and watercolor and SuperMan cityskape with watercolor. |
Ribbit and her sweet friend building their frozen castles. |
My Princess Art Camp with their frozen castles! |
Making her Fathers Day Gift. |
I had THE BEST HELPERS for my camps! |
Making her princess putty..I couldn't love this sweet little thing anymore! |
James showing off his Captain America Tye Dye cape at art camp! |
Baby Boy showing off his shield and words! |
They love Caroline, one of my sweet helpers! |
Princess Anna came the last day of Princess Art Camp so we took pictures in front of the graffiti wall my 10th graders painted this past year! |
Spidey also came!!! |
Yes that is my monkey on the back of Spidey! |
Goober was a helper at camp and he did so well with little guys! |
Playing Ships and Sailors with Spidey! |
Mermaid pose! |
Spidey pose! |
Our sweet friends stopped by and gave Ribbit a ton of (new to her) toys and clothes...she put her favorites on and wanted her picture taken! |
A painting I just finished for a friend. Its a present for his son..a bunch of different portraits of his doggy! |