Thursday, February 2, 2012

for the techies

Tonight Adam totally surprised me, whipped out a kindle touch and it was all mine!!!! I'm definitely not a techie (i'm quite okay with my ancient phone that allows me to talk on it without surfing the internet) but I have been longing for a kindle after seeing how many great "no sugar" "no dairy" "no gluten" cookbooks there are. It will also be nice for me to download all the freebies from the couponing blogs I follow...WATCH OUT WORLD, I am dangerous with a kindle in my hands...bwa ha ha.

On to other fun things (and the reason for being surprised by my awesome husband) is that one year ago today we spent all day snowed in and making phone calls to announce that we would be parents!!! It was super fun and super annoying all at the same time. Everyone wanted to know lots of info, but we didn't have a lot to go off of ourselves so we just shared what we could, got excited and started making lists of things that had to be done before we would get the kiddos on that Friday..little did we know that Friday would be a super rough day, followed by a super rough Saturday and Sunday.

Our kiddos have had an awesome week. Goober's spelling list got twice as joke....but, no one has lost their cool (yet) and so far he is doing okay with the words. They are hard and most of them are rule breakers with silent e's on the end and adding the "ough" in the middle to completely throw him for a loop.

Last night at family devotions will go down as one of my top ten favorite family moments from this year. Goob was sitting in my lap, while Ribbit held my hand screaming " my mommy". Adam was bushed from work and was worn out on reading from staring at Hebrew all day. So as he read about Joshua and Jericho he kept saying " Jod" instead of "God" and everytime Goob and I would fall out into hysteria. I was shaking from laughing so I would have to hold onto Goober, thus letting go of Ribbit's hand, thus causing her to scream and hyperventilate at the thought that I could be "only Goober's mommy". It was sooo stinkin hilarious. We had to regain composure several times and then Adam would fumble again and it would start over. We ended the time by singing the song "Joshua won the battle of Jericho" as loud as we could while Adam pretended to be upset by our mockery :).

Today on the way to the grocery store Goober all of sudden announced that the happiest day in his life was when he came to live with us and the saddest day was when he was taken away from his mom. I agreed with him and then he went into a lengthy speech about how she didn't take care of him and little kids need to be taken care of because that don't have their own money and need things. He said that she wouldn't get a job and that she did not love Jesus. This opened the door to let me remind him of all of the things that Jesus gives us and how he is taking those bad things and slowly replacing them with good things which is called "redemption". We also talked about how bad choices and not living according to God's plan comes with a cost....sometimes a high cost. He recognized that his mom made bad choices in the men she liked but that I made a very good choice because in Goobers words " dad loves Jesus and only says mean things to you when you guys fight, but they aren't mean, they are loud and then you kiss and dad says "yyyyeeeahhh""  :)

And since this post wasn't long enough here are some pictures and videos!
Goob's last bball game....he did 100% better!
And here are the two sweet little guys that accompanied us to the Harlem Globetrotters game!
 Right when we got there..
 Laughing at the players pulling down each others shorts to reveal sesame street boxers.
 Half time show....we went down closer.
Surprised by official Harlem Globetrotters basketballs!

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