Thursday, April 7, 2011


I just want to say how thankful I am for the many mentors I have in the faculty at our school. I have been so encouraged over the last two days by other working mothers of boys. They have all shared their horror stories with me about their boys behavior and how they are now outstanding young adults. They have walked me through my emotions and let me know that its okay to be overwhelmed at times. Thank goodness for the BODY OF CHRIST.
It also doesn't hurt that Goober has had excellent behavior the last two days at school :).
Weird Behavior #1 though of yesterday- he snuck 4 snacks and a stuffed animal to school.....from his history I know that he wasn't always fed but this is the first time we have ever known him to sneak food or toys...maybe it was just the first time for him to get caught. I don't think it was that big a deal as his teacher said they are allowed to bring a "comfort" toy to school and the food he swiped was all fruit roll ups, which are his favorites!!!!
Weird Behavior #2-he keeps asking me why my belly is "cracked". I kept asking him what he meant and today he said " why is it cracked, why can't you have babies?"....since we were in the middle of a hard core wrestling match I just ignored it and gave him a noogie instead :).

I will leave you with this sweet video of Ribbit attempting to walk backwards....of course she wanted the camera when she noticed I had it out but you can still see her do it a little bit.

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