We have had a great first 4 days of Spring Break. I know that to be true because of how exhausted we are, how dirty our van was and how big the laundry pile is growing. We are home for all of 1/5 days before we head out on another 3 day camping trip with friends from church. We are ready to take advantage of this nice wave of weather and get away from technology.
Our trip to Arkansas was the best. I knew that we would love Levi but its amazing how instantly you feel connected to your nephew and cousin. We all wanted to hold him, feed him, rock him and love on him. It was so neat to have my brothers family, my family and my mom all in one place for a few days. My 3 forgot what its like to be quiet for a baby...well to be quiet for anything really. BUT, Levi did great and we even got to take him out on Sunday while Aunt Micah and Uncle Chris got some down time. I was so impressed wtih Micah allowing us to take him and not hesitating at all....it blessed us tremondously to spend so much time with him and love on her by letting her take a shower and a nap!!!!!! YES!!!!
We also got to hit up Crystal Bridges again and see parts we never had. We also went to our favorite spots like Onyx Coffee House, Hammond Trees and downtown Bentonville shopping. It was a great time and we didn't want it to end.
This morning, after my workout with my girls...a Barbell class that killed my arms, followed by 2 quick miles....the kids and I went to the gym to paint some more of the sets for the musical. They were great little helpers and we rewarded them with a Boy Movie/Girl Movie...the boys to see Lego Batman and the girls to see Sing. I loved Sing...there wasn't anything inappropriate..at least not anything I picked up on and Ribbit enjoyed it too. She and I took sweet potatoes to eat during the movie and then bought popcorn there. Right after we prayed over our meal she quickly looked at me, with a sad sad face and said "i just don't understand why one of God's angels wouldn't want to stay with him". I looked at her and said "who?" and she said "Satan, he didn't want to stay with God, he wanted to be worshipped too....that is so sad and it makes me so sad". She has such a sweet heart and I love that she feels the weight of sin...she is so sad to see anyone, even Satan be seperated from God.
Day before Spring Break...hanging out with her favorite teacher Mrs. Osbourne. |
Heading to Arkansas! |
He facetimed with Papa (who is missed!!) on the way! |
Mr. Levi has some strong emotions and KICKS when he isn't happy! |
Adam is quite taken with him too....he loved looking out at the snow. |
We either bring them snow or rain when we come...it started snowing immeidately after we arrived. It actually dropped 40 degrees from the time we left TX to the time we pulled into their driveway. |
All eyes on Mr. Levi. |
We were singing and dancing and loving his facial expressions. |
Our MUST TAKE picture in the alley across from HammondTrees! |
CC brought the boys new swimsuits and they immediately put them to work at our hotel pool! |
Sunday morning at the church where Chris and Micah serve. The kids love hearing from their Uncle and climbing on the rock wall. Cousins from 0-12 years old! |
Its always a fight to see who gets to hold and feed Levi! |
She said "Baby Levi is the cutest baby I have ever seen"-AGREE |
Underneath the large spider sculpture at Crystal Bridges. |
Holdling his puppy SO TIGHT!! |
Pushing him like a pro. |
Our favorite spot is the kids area! |
A Rauschenberg!!! |
Sleeping hard after 4 poops and a whole art musuem!!! |
That new baby smell and those sweet fingers grabbing at me....I could bring him back to TX with us for sure!!!! |
He wanted to feed him a FULL bottle...he kissed him at least 10 times and I captured one of them. This is so special as Goober and Levi are the oldest and youngest and both were designed by God to be in our family...AMAZING. |
Hotel Pool Swimming is the BEST |
ONYX coffee is the best. The kids think they have "kids coffee"...I don't have the heart to tell them its hot chocolate ;) |
Art Teacher kiddos get to have all the fun!!!! They were such a big help on the sets of the Spring Musical this year. |
Dinner from our garden....Kale, Carrots, Tomatoes, Onions and Italian Chicken Sausage...with lots of tumeric, garlic, sage and fennel!!! |
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