I was worried that we would be bored this Labor Day and miss our family a ton as we watched others BBQ and swim with family......but that was not the case..even though we always miss our family.
I started off the day with an hour of weights at Camp Gladiator (something new I am trying out for my next marathon) and then a 5 mile fast run with 4 ladies and one of their hubbies. I felt really good on the last mile but knew that I needed to stop as my clothes were dripping wet from 2 hours of working out.
When I got home the kids were eating breakfast and having "the talk". Yup, we went to a parenting course on how to talk to your kids about Sex and I am so glad we did. Adam and Goober have already had many of those talks on their man week alone last year but this prepared us to come up with our family message and vocabulary when talking about sex. Our church even paid for a date night for all of the couples who came to go out and talk about how they were going to integrate everything they had learned that night. So Adam and I went out on Sunday night and we literally poured through all of our notes over both classes (the other class was on how to correct and compliment) and how to apply them to all 3 kids. We wrote out goals and talked about timing.
SOOOOOO...this morning when the kids asked about chicken eggs and where they come from Adam went into the whole spiel about eggs and seeds and the basic anatomy of females and males. That was that. We both agreed that whenever we are talking about sex we will always say "By God's design"....emphasizing that God designed us Male and Female, he designed those two to fit together in such a way as to be able to reproduce and that By God's design he gave us a gift of sex, but he designed it for a married couple only. It went over well and Adam and I area so much more confident. One of the things we both loved is that the speaker told us that talking about sex in a confident manner makes us the experts....not their friends or media. If we shy away from sex or get weird when they ask then of course they won't come back to us...they will look for others who seem to know more about the topic.
Anyways, after that Ribbit and I cooked our little hearts out. We made sweet potato fries, deviled eggs (with avocado instead of mayonaise), boiled eggs for lunches, roasted veggies and got food ready for the whole week. The boys worked on leveling out a spot in our backyard for Adam' s new shed and Goober mowed another client's yard :).
Then we headed over to our neighbors on the right. We invited our new lovely neighbors (to the rear of us (we share a back fence )) to come meet them and we all had a lovely time getting to know one another. The kids played together on the zipline, with balls and all of the neighbor toys (others toys are always better than your own). We ate together, talked about God, oils (of course) and schools.
We left there and went straight to the park to meet our Sunday School class for some fishing. Our first spot was quite awful and we moved after every kid had hooked a tree, root or another kid. Our next spot was perfect and 3 fish were caught...1 by me (on accident really) and 2 by Goober. It was so much fun and the parents laughed so hard at the kids. We also said "back up" about 100 times as they came really close to jumping in after those fish!
We left there and went straight to Little Man's baseball practice for his new team. He is playing modified coach pitch this year and is so stinkin excited. He gets to go to the batting cages like Bubba and he got new cleats!!!
We got home, devoured our crockpot dinner (SO GOOD), chugged water and got ready for the week. The kids are watching one show of Doug (remember that show? Captain Underpants?) and I believe they will pass out very soon.
I love that God has given us family here in Texas!!
We went to the botanical gardens in Dallas on the day before school started with some of our closest friends. |
I love this picture of her jumping down the stairs saying " its like a secret garden momma!" |
Loved the statues! |
There were so many girls taking their quincera pictures....OH THE SWEAT!! But our girls thought they were princesses so we played along! |
Getting jiggy with Shakespeare!!! |
This was one was so ready to start school! |
6th grade has been fantastic so far!!! He loves everything about it....I love that he has one of my besties as his homeroom teacher. |
Someone got a hold of mommie's phone camera after drinking Kefir! |
Before and after picture of Goobers wart after using oregano to kill it for 3 months daily. Check out his awesome tan too! |
Turkey breast, onions, carrots, rosemary and rosemary oil and cumin oil. One of our best dinners yet. Adam couldn't get over how great it tasted and smelled! |
First day picture in front of the Covenant graffiti wall! |
Little Man running through the row of cheerleaderss welcoming all of the kids back to school! |
She loves everything about first grade, especially her teacher who is truly a treasure. She has told me several times that she doesn't think we are going to school as much as we did last year and it makes her sad! HA!! |
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