Monday, September 23, 2013

10 hours of sleep

I've basically slept about 10 hours today....thats what happens when you work 13 hour days, followed by looonnng baseball games, late church nights, painting bedrooms, partying it up with 8th graders :) and then chugging nyquil to avoid the newest school bug going around. I never ever miss church but this is the 2nd Sunday this month where my head was pounding 85% of the day and like I said I slept about 10 sleeping about 8 hours last night.

Poor Adam, he worked on the remodel almost all day yesterday (while I entertained children at various vball events, parties and at Hobby Lobby :) and then he played single parent at church and home. Maybe I really am getting old and need to pick like 4 things to do during the week and weekend instead of 20.

I also triple overbooked my family for last night and had to cancel/back out of 2 things, wasting $50 bucks in the process...ah well.

I hate saying it with only 6 weeks under my belt but I MISS SUMMER.....bring on THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!

On the bright side, it finally feels like FALL..I can go outside without melting!!!...We even roasted smores last night...that may have been a little eager :)

Videos filled with cute kiddos :

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