I wanted to show off some of my talented students work and of course some fantastic artwork from my own kiddos as well. Gallery Night was a huge success this year and we recieved several compliments from teachers who brought their classes to it as an in-house field trip!
Beautiful vessels from a Rookie artist....look at her coffee cup with braided handle on the bottom right! |
My sweet Kathleen has been focused on wolves for the past 2 years...this girl is like one of my own! |
Lexi's take on the Right Brain/Left Brain project. A thrown bowl with dripped paint. |
Levi's turtle and Japense Lantern...BEAUTIFUL PIECES |
Gretel's raku piece, Japenese lantern and her take on the Right Brain/Left Brain project...melted marbles on the inside! |
Emma threw double the amount of everyone else this year..she won my Spirit of the Arts award..see her beautiful lantern in the upper right?? |
Mally's take on the Right Brain/ Left Brain project. |
Mally's rhino book ends...they are fantastic! |
Mally's panda head and Japense lantern! |
Graham's award winning Picasso inspired self portrait! |
Brennan's critter bowl |
Squirtle has recieved many awards lately..you can't see all the detail in his shell from the picture. |
Natalie's gesture drawing |
Bailey, Natalie's older sister had a beautiful totem pole and paintings! |
Emilys hot air balloon lantern, exoskeleton of a peacock and brain project won her a ribbon..my rookie, pssshh. |
Audey is another one of my girls, this sweet thing isn't scared to try anything and makes huge pieces! |
Apparently I needed training on how to take the perfect selfie! |
Elissa won my Teachers Choice award for her hard work, great attitude and effort in everything she does! |
Another teacher's choice award for Jenna's 3D Gesture drawing of 2 girls listening to headphones. |
Amy's totem pole and paintings were loved by all! |
Jack's 2 point perspective apartment building was a hit! |
Kayson's sand self portrait. |
Alaina is a senior and won a ribbon in every competition she entered this year! |
Maddie also got one of my teacher choice awards...check out her japenese lantern in the shape of a take out box! I also love her weinie dog exoskelton! |
Emma is another go -getter....making double what everyone else makes....she got 2 first place ribbons for both Sculptural Ceramics and 3D Class. |
Gretel won the Rhetoric Overall MEDAL!!! Look at the textures in her pieces...she is dynamite on the pottery wheel! |
Yes Hannah's lamb actually lights up. Its the sweetest lantern! |
This guy is the sweetest. He is so great to have in class and the work ethic of a much older, mature, guy. I can't wait to see how God uses him! |
Connor had some great pieces this year..lots of color! |
Jenny, my foreign exchange student approached every project with a very different view and it was always beautifully done! |
Gianna's take on the right brain/ left brain project. |
Up close of Emily's right brain/ left brain project. |
Check out this sweet little artist's work..she is so stinkin proud of thsoe polar bears! |
The did self portaits while sleeping...so sweet! |
I have great students. While I was running the high school show, 2 of my students took my two younger kids down to their show and snapped pictures. Adam had a baseball commitment that same night. |
My little man loves painting flowers! |
Little Man's still life! |
Goober had swim team the same night...imagine!!! ALL 5 Harvells had somewhere differnt to be ;). We snapped pictures the next day of his beautiful pottery! |
AND>>...his painting was chosen out of all 6th grade to be featured in the front display of our main office. THAT MADE THIS ARTSY FARTSY MOMMA HAPPY!
I Love that my job is showing kids how to create and how to honor God in their creation!! |
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