Its school time, again! We are all settling in rather nicely I think. Its not too big a difference in our schedules as we are up early and down early every night anyways. Its also not a shock for us to be on our campus either, we live here in the summer, being a part of camps, riding bikes, playing basketball, meeting up with friends. The kids have done great, no crying, no whining. In fact, quite the opposite. Ribbit desperately wanted to come to school on Saturday and asked about 300 times when she could return. We adore her teacher and her classroom discipline fact, she is writing a book about how science and scripture align to give us the very past forms of discipline and praise. I want her to come do a "super-nanny" style observance of us at home and help us implement her awesome, maybe I want her too...maybe I want to try to become more consistent myself first!
Little Man has already forgotten his nap mat and water bottle. His behavior has also required a special little one on one with his teacher. Apparently he does not like to be touched, told what to do or asked to be quiet. He also does not say "yes mam", he says "capiesh". Capiesh!!!!! We assured her to physically move him into line, to take away part of recess, to do whatever necessary so he is reminded of who is boss....I even told her to spank him..hehe, she wouldn't but dag nabbit, spanking is biblical!!!
Goober loves all of 6th grade. He loves that lunch is after PE now, instead of before it. He loves that he is taking classes in the high school building and has even asked his teachers if he could come see me...they said No :). He loves that he can get a hall pass and go the bathroom without having to ask. He loves being with all his friends again and talking about basketball, the Olympics, the latest shoes (which change daily) and what dance move is in style. He is now the kid with the cool hair do..that flat top is earning him lots of cool points. We even got an email from one of his teachers, who he had last year, saying how great he was doing, paying attention, and really focusing....hmm, could be because he is seated in the front row, or because he is putting his "focus" blend on or because he is tired of being on restriction from TV during the school year :).
Adam was out the first Monday of school with awful sinus pressure and dizziness. He felt better using frankencinse for dizziness and we diffused rosemary and cardamom in our room to help hi recoop. He came back strong and has been checking things off his list like crazy. His new assistant is wonderful and the two get along great!!!
I am loving my classes so far, the 7th graders look tiny to me, the 8th grade girls are already loud to me :), and my high schoolers are so easy to love...maybe because for some of them this is our 3rd year together, or maybe because they show me how much they love art. I literally had high schoolers gasping when I uncovered the pottery wheels yesterday...they got anxious and started saying how much they had missed throwing..that is why I teach right there, that love of learning! I have 17 students in Ceramics class this year..MY BIGGEST EVER..and 7 of those are returning to be in Ceramics 2...AWESOME!!!
She was so excited to have a painting/cupcake party! |
We turned the playroom into a princess painting studio. |
Ribbit wanted everyone to paint butterflies. |
The chickens and trampoline were a big hit too! |
Cupcake decorating ...we made lions and chickens..just like on our cruise! |
The girls loved it..and I love that you can see Little Man inhaling icing by the spoonful in this picture! |
Showing off his lion! |
Singing Happy Birthday to our big girl....she was so happy to make her own cake and show it to her friends! IT was sooo tasty too...dark chocolate with peppermint! |
Making a wish! |
Opening all of her gifts! |
Fluffy got lots of attention that day! |
Showing off their creations! |
She wanted to put large flowers and balloons on the mailbox so everyone would know where to come! |
Later on that night we cooked the turnips and turnip greens from our garden! |
Oh the sweetness. This was her birthday outfit from her bubbas. I can barely handle the toothless grin! |
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