It seems funny how most people think that we HAD to get a mini van...but I was begging for one in all honesty. I told someone just yesterday that I may even keep it after I am done raising kids (whenever that is). Plus, with my fuzzy dice hanging in the mirror, my carpet on the dashboard to keep it from cracking and my 26.2 sticker on the back I am super fly.
The weather has just been so fact, as the kids are all napping I am in the playroom, lying on the day bed writing this just so I can look outside. I should probably go outside but I just spent 2 hours outside watching Baby Boy skip around a soccer field and get distracted my trains while fending off an army of the view is plenty for right now. Tonight we are heading to carve pumpkins with our church group and I think after that our home will be fully ready for Fall!!! I gained some serious cool points with my kiddos when they came home to find that I had made a pumpkin wreath for the front door and had bought a sign to hang on top of it that says "Beware of zombies". They love that it even has fake blood on it. We aren't into gore or anything but the way my kids talk about zombies and the new season of The Walking Dead has got me into the zombie mode.
His team voted for him to get the GAME BALL at their first game. He got all of the outs from pitching! GO E!! |
Asleep on the bus ride home. We drove the cheerleaders to an away game and they had the best time dancing and getting to be the cool kids! |
The Blue Crew let them hang out with them. |
We tried to wait until Uncle Chris and Aunt Micah's next visit out here for some Sushi Sam's but we just couldn't...Ribbit learned how to use her chopsticks! |
His first bento box...he was soon excited to order this! |
Recently most of our days have been filled with baseball practice, baseball games, soccer practice, soccer games, adoption dinners, running (always running), birthday parties, football games and church. Baby Boy and Ribbit wake up every morning and ask "is today school day or church day" throws them off on Saturday when we say neither!!
Roasting a pan full of veggies every weekend helps us stay ahead during the busy weeknights! |
I got this in from my said " you can turn these into coffee mugs or other fantastic christmas presents. So who wants a coaster with my "what is that smell?" face :). |
Painting our teddy bear parade float in our day ever. |
Yesterday I took the two youngest (Goober was too cool) with me to a Bikram Yoga class at my cryo clinic. It was free and the teachers were obsessed with them. They called them both the best "yogies" they had ever seen. They both were really into it, doing all the moves on their own mats and copying the instructor exactly. Baby Boy would throw his hands up and say "seriously" when she first did the move but he always got it in the end. Ribbit even did a full out bridge which apparently is harder than it looks, since her mama almost pulled her shoulder out of joint attempting one.
See the cute little cheerleader out there in the pink skirt? |
She ran up to make sure we still knew she was cheering :). Thats her teacher from last year in the background :). |
We wore the same shirts as our best buds! |
Everyone is doing fairly well in school still. Ribbit figured out what a "purple nurple" is and gave them to each and every child in her kindergarten class.....lovely. I swear her teacher is going to think we are the ungodliest parents ever after this year. She is reading site words and can recognize a lot of words quickly...those tough ones that don't follow the phonics rules are still hanging her up.
Baby Boy has been told how good his motor skills are so many times that when his teacher asked him what he was good at the other day he said "motor skilling". He gets in trouble for trying to "help", "teach", "parent" and for darting like a train across any field, parking lot or hallway to get to his mommy and daddy. It makes going to eat lunch with him difficult but we have managed to make departing a little easier with lots of air kisses and hugs.
Big Man is doing just fine, somewhat staying on top of things and learning how to use his tutorial wisely. He is learning a lot about being a humble team player. He has has two stellar games where he was responsible for most or all of the outs and then there was this last game where he thought he would show off and do push ups as he came up to bat. Yeah, that ended the way it should have ....with him striking out and not having a stellar pitching game. He said he did because he saw that one of our coaches (with big muscles) had just shown up. Its actually pretty hilarious looking back on it but he did cry and feel all the weight of the game on his shoulders.
Racing mom and Ribbit in the mini van up to the school. The girls weren't being lazy, we had a lot of art supplies :). |
Soccer for this little tyke. 4 goals in his first game...3 for his team and 1 for the other since we must share!!! |
Roasted veggies and beef...YUMMY! |
We all got to eat lunch together one day at school! Well all minus Daddy. |
We are looking forward to having grandparents out soon, the Texas State Fair, Reformation Day Parties at school, dressing up and trick o treating with friends and Cougar Pride Weekend at school.....and all of this will be made so much easier with my fantastic MINIVAN!!
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