Tonight was my biggest oil class yet. Overwhelming? Yes. Exciting? Yes! I love sharing what oils can do for families. I love sharing how I am not scared to let my kids use the oils themselves. I love that I skip full aisles at the grocery store now. I love that I am med no advil, no nothing. I love that my husband and kids are using them just as much and love them too.
It just felt good to have 9 of my girlfriends here listening and getting excited about introducing their families to oils too. It feels good to share something good. Its not nearly as important as sharing Jesus, like not even on the same spectrum.....but same idea...when you know of something good, you gotta share it with others.
BUT, because it was soo good, I got all worked up and now I just can't sleep. I tried, but my mind thought of several different things I forgot to tell my girlfriends so I sent out emails and A to Z guides. I just want them to feel empowered in their own homes and know how to help their families.
So 1:30 am is as good a time as ever to write a blog post eh? Plus, I have a dentist appt. tomorrow, surely I can catch some zzzzzzzzz's during my cleaning ;).
Tonight, we disciplined Ribbit so hard that it hurt us. She has been told for at least a year now to CLEAN her room. I am not exaggerating when I say that she shoves trash, dirty clothes and food into little piles around her room and hides them. We have been talking to her about lying with a little more disappointment and reminding her that when she asked Jesus to come live in her life that she asked him to hold her accountable of her sins. Well, after lying to us for the 5th straight time about her room being cleaned...only for us to find 3 pair of dirty underwear in the book case and a SLEW of NASTINESS shoved under her bed we had IT!! So instead of going with the boys and Daddy to see Finding Dory...she had to stay home during my oil class. She cried her heart out. It broke both of her parents didn't help when Adam got to the theater and realized they had recliner seats and the whole theater to themselves.
She got the message though and from the time they left until about 1 hour into the class she was hauling booty and putting things in the trash. My girlfriend remarked that Ribbit was getting down on her hands and knees to get under her bed. I JUST LAUGHED AND LAUGHED. She eventually brought me a piece of paper that said "Ribbit's Room". It has 4 line items with 4 checks beside them. They said 1-Dirty Clothes, Check. 2-Closet, Check 3-Under Bed-Check 4-Trash, Check. HAHAHAH..she checked her own self off!
I watched part of a funeral for one of the police officers killed in Dallas last week. It was so stinkin sad. I was glad to see that they honored his family, the other officers and God. It broke my heart to watch his son lay on his dad's casket though. Makes me long for heaven but determined to raise my kids up to be strong christians in this modern day Babylon we live in.
Here are some more pictures from our road trip....Full day in Frankin and Nashville
We did the total tourist thing and started the day off with Frothy Monkey...the kids had a chocolate banana smoothie and I had a Coconut Milk Latte...Adam had something that put him in warp speed! |
We could not get over how pretty this church was in downtown Franklin..those stained glass windows are beautiful! |
In the middle of the roundabout we explored cannons and statues...Goober is on a WW2 kick right now so this was right up his alley! |
Family selfie action |
The old Franklin Theatre |
We found the best and liveliest farmers market downtown at The Factory. We ate our way through samples of meats, veggies, dips, drinks, name it. And there were two crazy long lines for 4 sisters bakery and the donut truck..GEESh |
Tasting local honey |
The Factory!! |
We went to a popular BBQ restaurant to meet some of Adams friends from high school and I noticed they had cheer wine. I never give our kids caffeine but CHEERWINE...hello, memories of my summers spent in NC came flooding in and I knew Goober would enjoy this cherry Dr. Pepper tasting drink. He wanted Uncle Chris to know that he opened it in a special way too...??? |
The Chessers. Such a sweet couple! Their wedding was one of |
We met up with Lolly at Lipscomb and she and Adam shared some college memories with us. |
The Parthenon was a lot bigger and honestly really cool..was not expecting that! |
Posing as statues at the Parthenon...those gymnastic lessons are paying off |
We had to see the Bluebird Cafe while in Nashville...I mean I HAD TOO!!!!! They didn't open until 5:30 though that night .. |
Don't worry...I gave myself a look see anyways....left some nice face prints on their glass. |
My sweet sweet boy saw me looking at a purse in a shop in downtown.....He flew outside, asked his dad for his birthday money and ran back in to buy it for me...I never knew it was happening..what a thoughtful gift! |
Being silly in front of a mural in downtown! |
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