As I write this Houston is under water...our church and school are constantly updating us on ways we can help. Please pray for those who are displaced or still unaccounted for. We are completely unaffected and praying that God would show his power through anyway he can!
After a fantastic night under the stars in Monument Valley, Goober and I woke up early to get in a run. We drove about 1/2 mile away to Monument Valley High School and used their track. We thought it was really neat to find out that their mascot is also the cougar!!! I honestly could not run more than 2.5 was such a different altitude. I was quite pleased at my pace but was breathless and wished for my TX humidity for all of a brief second :).
Home of the Cougars |
My partner and protector! See that big monument in the background? |
My view when I got back...bless that sweet little booty. |
The sunrise was beautiful that morning and Goober and I tiptoed around when we got back as everyone slept in. We all took full advantage of having a shower and took long hot ones. Our next clue sent us to Dineh Horse Tours in the middle of Monument Valley to ride horses. When we arrived the owners were still asleep in office chairs outside of their slapboard office. We even had to strike a deal with them as they insisted on cash only and we were short. I was grateful that our guide Bennett was an experienced horsemen and knew each one and its behavior. He matched up horses to each kiddo and then got us on and our saddles just right. I was very unsure of the kids riding by themselves but he was fully confident. Goober got on Sundance, who wanted to stop and eat grass the whole 2 hours but who Goober convinced to go faster then all of the rest of us :). Ribbit got on Sam and he was sleepy from being wore out from other riders the day before. Little Man got on Charlie who was mild mannered and easy to ride. Adam got on Chochee, a beautiful white horse. I got on Rico who was stubborn and lazy (just fine with me).
Ready to get going! |
Lots of movies were shot here! |
A bucket list item for sure! |
It was breathtaking! |
Me and Rico were always in the back! |
Bennett knew a lot about the valley and grew up there. He told us that the Navajo (which is what Dineh means) learn their language at home and English at school. He was upset that many parents are teaching their culture and language to their children so the Navajo language is dying out. He lives in a Hogan during the busy riding season and believes that the Earth is filled with spirits. He told us that he knew a shapeshifter or skinwalker because in order to become one you have to sacrifice a family member. His own brother is a medicine man and he said he was destined to be it from the time he was a little boy. He said another medicine man or psychic (he used that term too) saw it in him. Bennett did not offer up this information but I was so intrigued in their beliefs that I quizzed him to death since my horse Rico had no intention of doing anything I asked. Bennett had to ride beside me and yell at the horse :).
A pro at this! |
Letting horses rest in the shade! |
He loved getting his horse to trot! |
Heading back! |
He showed us where Transformers, Back to the Future, Lone Ranger, a Metallica music video and several other films were shot at. He pointed out every major formation and showed us ruins of old hogan and sweat shacks. We were not ready to return but a little over 2 hours later we returned to the horses stalls and they were very thirsty. We thanked them and Adam had to leave to go get the rest of the money while we gave them my driver license to hold onto for collateral.
Souvenir shops |
Lots of great picture opps! |
Panoramic view |
The kids and I went down the road to a big jewelry post and found several gifts for family members. We loved learning more and more about the Navajo culture as we spoke with several of the stand owners.
John Waynes cabin |
Adam came and got us after paying Dineh and we headed to a famous trading post and to see John Waynes cabin, or at least where he bunked when he was filming in that area. We loved seeing the relationship between Indians and early settlers and how many of them were loving and helpful to one another. We found ice cream at a gas station close by and ate it quickly after being in the direct heat all morning long. From there we headed back to the Tipi Village for a low key afternoon and evening of Ninja Warrior games, long cold (on purpose this time) showers, Hot Dogs, Smores and teaching the kids how to play MASH!!
Home Sweet Tipi |
The sweetest little thing. |
We had booked an actual Tipi for that night and it was the best sleep yet as it was COOL, DARK and we had a fan running to block out all other sounds!!!
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