My co-worker knows the assistant manager for Third Day and so when they were coming to Grand Prairie yesterday they were talking on the phone and my co-worker was offered 6 free AWESOME tickets!!!
I have to say that going to a Third Day concert without my beloved Bay Minette youth group was a first. I have a lot of memories of Winter Jams and youth group concerts that I associate with any of Third Day's music. We had no idea who was opening but we didn't care...ITS THIRD DAY!!
So we get to the theater and we find our seats, that are AMAZING!! Mac (lead singer of Third Day) comes out and says that there are speical guests with us tonight...SHANE AND SHANE. They both walk out onto stage and sing a song. Then they leave the stage and SURPRISE they walk over to where we are sitting and sit in the row behind us!! I mean talk about hyperventilation!! I immediately whipped out my phone and started texting people "guess who i am sitting with?". I never thought about what I would do if I met a famous person but now that I know that my heart skips a beat and I become unable to process words I kinda hope I dont :). So then, Mac introduces Bethany Dillon, another famous christian artist ( who just married one of the Shanes) to sing another song. When she is done she also walks off stage and sits right behind us. By now, I can't concentrate and the only thing I think of is " i need gum"...because when, not if, but when I talk to them I dont want my bad breath to blow them away and for them to always refer to me as the "fan with stinky breath in Texas".
So during intermission I turned around and said "WAR EAGLE", not b/c they went to Auburn but because every time I went to one of thier concerts it was in Auburn and they always said they loved it. However, I didn't get a War Eagle back just a smile and a "we went to A and M". I think I forgot we are in Texas. Anyways, they were super nice and talked to all of us. They even waved to us and shook our hands when they left....yup, my right hand will never be the same.
Of course, the real reason we were there was to watch Third Day ( not to gawk at S and S like I caught myself doing). The concert was amazing and felt like an amped up worship service. God really reminded me of some things that I take to for granted. Like the power of his sacrifice for us, the conversation he had with the thief on the cross beside him and the power that the body of Christ has and could have if we more fully obeyed.
Here are some pictures from our fun night. Apparently Shane and Shane also took pictures because on thier twitter from the concert there is a picture with the back of my head in it....they must have taken it during the 5 seconds I was not turned around gawking at them.
Okay so on the first row from left to right is Adam, Me, Hefty (my co-worker), his wife Sarah, Abby and Chris ( other seminary students).
And right behind us from left to right is Shane Everett's wife best friend, Shane Everett's wife, Shane Everett, Shane Bernard and his new wife Bethany Dillon. AWESOME
And there is me and the hubby!! We needed a night out...too much studying :).